Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Interview

TV interviewImage by Flickr

Tricks of the Trade
As interested as reporters may seem in your story, they are really more interested in getting the facts and a few good sound-bites. To speed things up, they’ve developed a few tricks.

But those tricks are pitfalls you should avoid. I have seen several lists. Advertising CEO Walt Klein’s is the most comprehensive.

Planting negative words: E.g. Reporter: “Why do you hate the governor?” Trap: “I don’t hate the governor, I ….” Solution: "I think the governor’s policies are misguided …”

Rapid Fire Questions: Before you finish answering one question, the reporter is shooting another one at you. It makes you look out of control and under attack. When a reporter interrupts you, stop talking, wait (without making face), then calmly respond.

Hostile: When the reporter goes hostile, don’t follow him there. The reporter’s antagonizing question probably will be edited out of the piece, but your angry response will be the lead. I admit using this trick when the speaker is boring. Reporters need passion and emotion in their pieces. If you are a talking drone, they’ll do what they must to liven you up.

Hypotheticals: Don’t answer them. Stick to the facts.

Reporter: Friend or Foe? Neither.
One trick reporters use is acting as if they are your friend. They aren’t. Reporters buddy up to you because it works. If you think this reporter likes you, you are more likely to spill the beans or tell them something you otherwise wouldn’t. Republican strategist, Dick Wadhams says reporters are not your enemies and they are not your friends; it is natural for the relationship to be adversarial.

Tip: Bill Stoller at PublicityInsider says reporters really don’t care much about you or your product unless you give them something to make their job easier: a good story. If you can do that, you earn their respect and affection.

Crisis Communications: The New New You

McCain Concession SpeechImage by Flickr

Retooling Your Brand
The Republican Party is in a world of hurt. After its 2008 loss, the party is trying to return to normal. It’s really a new normal. And according to Public Relations, a Values-Driven Approach, it is also the fourth – and final – stage of a crisis. It is when companies, personalities and organizations reinvent themselves.

Nix the Negatives
My sense is that the Republican Party hasn’t yet figured out what their new normal will be, but Republican candidates who focus more on their own beliefs and less on party affiliation will probably fare better than those who tow the party line. Advertising CEO Walt Klein advises: When your brand is broken, stay away from names and titles and instead focus on positive associations.

Take Your New Plan Public
But the media can have a one-track mind. Remember the 1999 Columbine shootings? For a long while after those shootings, it was nearly impossible for the school to receive any coverage that was not, somehow, tied to the shootings. The incident dominated the media’s impression. To break away from that, go directly to your public: write letters to the editor, craft an image campaign, or do something completely fresh and new.

In 1994, the Republican Party launched its Contract with America. It was their comeback plan, after losing the White House in 1992. In the Contract, Republicans admitted they had let down their public. They also outlined how they would do things differently if elected. It resulted in the Party winning back the House for the first time in 40 years.

Tip: Everybody, especially the media, likes a comeback. When faced with a crisis: come clean about the facts, deal with the issue and don’t prolong negative publicity. When cleaning up the mess, take notes on what went wrong and come up with a new crisis communications plan … so you can do it better next time.

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Crisis Communications: Cleaning Up the Mess

LONDON - AUGUST 04:  A worker sweeps up during...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Crises are inevitable, failure is not.
The media love a comeback: Think Mariah Carey, Newt Gingrich, maybe even Eliot Spitzer. According to Public Relations, a Values-Driven Approach, the third stage of a crisis is the cleanup: minimize damage and move forward. Celebrities usually step out of the limelight and re-invent themselves. But companies cannot do that. They must move forward.

Be quick about it.
JBS Swift Beef Company recently recalled about 41,000 pounds of beef because of possible E. coli contamination. The recall was voluntary. No illnesses were reported. But because the company handled the recall "swiftly," it quickly ended this element of the crisis.

Get through it and get on with it. This doesn’t mean ignoring it. Ignoring a crisis won’t necessarily make it go away. The U.S. military's Defense Information School emphasizes "maximum disclosure, minimum delay."

The end is the best part.
All good stories have a resolution. People are human; everyone makes mistakes; accidents happen. But how do you plan to keep them from happening again? Are you fixing the problem? Show the media you are serious.

I recently reported on a PetSmart employee whose dog attacked another dog at the store. There were accusations the manager was violating company policy. Days later, she was back at work. The company had not put her on leave. Viewers didn’t understand why PetSmart wasn’t taking the matter more seriously.

Tip: Reporters often work non-stop with no real breaks. When hosting a news conference that requires crews to set up early, set out some juice or cookies. It takes the edge off and might make them less crabby. Consider it a courtesy, not a bribe.
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Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Crisis Communications: Protecting Your Brand

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin (left) and Amy Poehler...Image via Wikipedia

A Public Relations Nightmare

Politics aside, Sarah Palin is a public relations nightmare.

Her recent decision to resign as Alaska's governor stunned the political world. She claims she does not want to become a lame-duck governor and waste the state's money on defending against accusations of ethical wrongdoing. But no one is buying it. And now the media are speculating the “real reasons” behind the resignation.

Deal with the issue head-on so the media can move on.
Online Marketer Joanna Orcutt says to manage your reputation, you need to address your audience. When racism became an unavoidable issue in Barack Obama’s campaign, he interrupted his campaign schedule to deliver a speech on the matter. It is considered one of his best moments.

Change the Story
If you can’t let the crisis blow over, Branding Expert Nevil Darukhanawala says, “The best way to beat negative publicity is to increase positive publicity.” When you don’t like the story, change it. Reporters call this “feeding the beast.” Give the media something else to chew on and they might stop eating you alive.

Take the High Road
When David Letterman recently joked about Palin's daughter getting “knocked up” at a Yankee’s game, Palin should have stayed cool. I’m not saying she should not have responded. I am saying she should not have dragged out the issue.

She should not have justified Letterman’s crack with an on-camera comeback. Next time: issue a written statement and be done with it. Letterman is late night comedy. Let it go or let political surrogates fight this one. Don’t tarnish your brand by getting bogged down in bad PR.

Tip: When you need to release information that could damage your brand, try the approach politicians use … release the information on a Friday afternoon, when most people aren’t paying attention. Yes, the story might get a lot of play over the weekend (when news is slow), but it could be old news by Monday (when people start tuning in again). Sneaky, I know.

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Crisis Communications: A Reporter’s Point of View

CHICAGO - JUNE 30:  Tylenol Extra Strength is ...Image by Getty Images via Daylife

Prescription for Better PR

As I write, I imagine the makers of Tylenol with a splitting headache. Tuesday the FDA announced acetaminophen – Tylenol’s main ingredient -- is a leading cause of liver failure. While Tylenol prepares to respond, stakeholders are watching …

Beware of Body Language: Don’t focus so much on how you respond that you overlook how you act.

When five employees became trapped in an underground hydroelectric plant, reporters flocked to the scene. The company was communicating with stakeholders and regularly briefing reporters on rescue efforts. But at the 5:00 p.m. briefing, the usually-prompt and friendly spokeswoman was late and looked angry. Her demeanor had changed and -- we knew – so had the story. Her body language put the company in the awkward position of notifying next of kin while denying reporters the truth. The rescue was now a recovery.

Never Say “No Comment:” Refusing to answer one question only raises more questions.

Recently a friend asked me how PR professionals should respond when they cannot answer the reporter’s question. Reporters don’t expect to get every question answered, they must, however, be sure they get every question asked. When you can’t answer, say why you can’t answer. If you don’t know, say so. If you are not at liberty to say something, say that.

Tip: When crises develop, prepare a response for every scenario, not just the one you want.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Crisis Communications: It's Go Time

Mission Control following announcement that ST...Image via Wikipedia

Phase II: Point of No Return
This is when you are forced to act. It’s go time. It's your chance to shine.

Be ready. Avoiding the issue will not make the story go away, it will make the story bigger.

In Public Relations A Values Driven Approach, David Guth says accurate and timely communication is key. Stories can go viral in just hours. Janet Harris, of Upstream Analysis, advises her clients, “You can’t be reluctant," miss the early signals of a crisis or take a day to debate before issuing a press statement.

NASA learned this after the Challenger explosion. The agency went silent for five hours after the accident. But nearly 20 years later -- when Columbia broke apart on re-entry -- it declared a “Shuttle Contingency” within 15 minutes.

Don’t Create Your Own Crisis. If you won’t talk, your competition, critics, disgruntled employees or customers will. Recently I reported on how well-prepared area schools were for Swine Flu. One PIO took forever to return calls and then said “everything is on our website.” The plan was a year-old. The second district touted a huge pandemic plan and explained their strategy. On the news that night, the first district wreaked of vulnerability, the second came off smelling like a rose.

Tip: Know Your PR Reputation. This is where the “R” in PR is important. Reporters remember when you blow them off. And if you have earned a reputation as a “useless tool” on daily stories, don’t expect any newsroom favors come crisis time.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Crisis Communications: A Word of Caution

The Captain and the ReporterImage by Thomas Hawk via Flickr

A Perfect Example of Bad PR

In the middle of the night, the nationwide travel company ceased operations. Tens of thousands of airline passengers who relied on their Verified Identity Pass -- and had paid big money for its service -- were out of luck. The company emailed clients the data was safe, but the money was gone. It then took down its website and stopped answering the phone. As a reporter covering the issue, my only source of information was an evasive email, travel industry critics and upset passengers. There was no one to speak on behalf of the company.

It was a lesson in what not to do.

Crisis Communications 101:

According to Public Relations, a Values-Driven Approach, there are four stages of a crisis:

  1. The warning stage: when there is still time to act
  2. The point of no return: when the crisis is unavoidable and you are forced to react
  3. The cleanup: where you try to minimize damage and move forward
  4. Normal: or really, the new normal.

The Warning Stage is the most critical point of a crisis. It is when you have the most power to change the outcome. I have always told PR professionals that the best way to head-off a crisis is to get in front of it.

“During a crisis, many companies are "too slow" to identify that they have a problem, says CUNA's Rick Amme. "It's better to give the media something than nothing and then become road kill… people will want to know when you learned about the problem and what you did to fix it."

TIP: After losing nearly $82 billion and filing for Chapter 11 protection, General Motors launched its Reinvention campaign on Youtube and Facebook. Strategic Public Relations says “The company is being as transparent as possible to tell their story on what’s next.”

And it may be working, Business Week’s Jon Fine reports “GM’s positive mentions online have picked up significantly in the two weeks since the ad began airing.”